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Fastener knowledge: important characteristics of gasket sealing

The gasket is also a small part of the fastener. The purpose of the gasket is to ensure that the equipment does not leak. The correct selection of the gasket is the key to ensure that the equipment does not leak. Therefore, the sealing performance of gaskets must be further understood. The gasket sealing has eight important characteristics.

1. Air tightness: For the medium of the sealing system, the gasket will not leak within a certain temperature and pressure working range and within a certain period of time.

2. Compressibility: After the connecting bolts are tightened, the contact surface of the gasket and the flange should be able to fit well to ensure the sealing effect. (Guide: Knowledge of Fasteners: Six Points Should Be Paid Attention To When Maintaining Cylinder Head Welding Nails)

3. Creep resistance: Under the influence of pressure load and operating temperature, the creep resistance should be good, otherwise it will cause the surface stress of the gasket to decrease and cause leakage.

4. Anti-chemical corrosion: The selected gasket should not be corroded by chemical media and should not contaminate the media.

5. Resilience: Even in a stable system, the two connected flanges will definitely have a slight displacement due to factors such as temperature and pressure. The elastic function of the gasket should be able to make up for this defect. Ensure the tightness of the system.

6. Anti-adhesion: The gasket should be easily removed from the flange after use, and it will not adhere to the flange.

7. Non-corrosive: The gasket should have no corrosive effect on the surface of the connected flange.

8. Temperature resistance: The selected gasket should ensure that it can be used normally at the lowest temperature and the highest temperature of the system.

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